Cryptocurrencies Exchange
Our friends at Changelly have allowed us to have an instant exchange widgets on our website. This gives you the opportunity to exchange your altcoins at the best exchange rate. And before you ask, you can exchange anonymously. Easily exchange different altcoins such as DASH, Monero, PIVX, etc. And this is an exchange that keeps adding new currencies daily. You can now trade fiat currencies for cryptocurrencies on this site.
Please Note: Buy your cryptocurrencies with our newly installed widget. Please bear any slight delay you may face when system is calculating your crypto conversions. This is due to the heavy network delays in both Bitcoin and Ethereum. For future conversions, it is advisable to buy bitcoin and then do conversions to other cryptocurrencies.
Cryptocurrency Screener
Need some guidance in purchasing cryptos? Check out our cryptocurrency screener to give you some guidance and a sense of what is going on across the exchanges.